09 October, 2012

LGBT activists disrupt Gay Parade

This weekend Africa's largest and longest running LGBT event, Joburg Pride took place. Intended as a celebration of all things gay, there is strife among the various factions within the community. 

March organisers and members of the activist group, One in Nine, clashed violently. Initially marchers mistook the folks from One in Nine as members of an anti-gay group, and showed unnecessary hostility towards the protesters.

An incident caught on camera (below) shows members of One in Nine, wearing shirts that read "stop the war on women's bodies," retaliate by pushing and kicking a woman. What a wonderfully hypocritical way of promoting an anti-violence campaign. 

Regardless of what happened to incite this particular altercation, these were the acts caught on camera for all to see. It is sad to see people fighting for the same rights, ultimately fighting one another.

08 October, 2012

How to Destroy Angels - Keep it together

Announced just 30 minutes ago via Facebook, the new single from How to Destroy Angels has already received over 800 downloads. The band will be releasing their second EP on 13 November 2012 (the same day the new Deftones album drops).

If you like the new single, Keep it together, you can download the band's eponymous EP here.

04 October, 2012

Second single off Deftone's new album

Two weeks ago Deftones made Leathers, the first single from their forthcoming album available for free download. Today the second single, Tempest, was made available to stream via PureVolume. This is definitely my most anticipated international release for 2012.