26 January, 2015

The Order Exposed - Tesla's Note

A new puzzle has surfaced, which was found by Ian Q and Jim S in Tesla's underground lab:

There are characters that look as though they are Serbian Cyrillic. This makes sense as Tesla was born in the Austrian Empire, in a region now included in Croatia. Jim S's transcription of the note however used Latin characters to represent these letters. I checked the transcriptions and there were a few more inaccuracies too, which I corrected.

After including the Cyrillic characters, I used a Caesar Shift Cipher, with 11 as the key, which spat out the following text:

"bez obzira na potešjoče moj rad napreduje, novo oružje radi vrlo dobro. ja sam vrlo zadovoljan sa thermite pušjom, bez obzira na poćetne probleme i poteškore sa vatrom tokom ljeta. usprkos drugih istraživanja koja me privlaće, bolje je da se koncentriram na sadašnji rad. vrijednosti su prevelike. bilo koju prijednost da ja mogu doprinjeti mojim suborcima, ja ju moram ostvariti. mi se borimo"

I ran this through Google translate, which detected the language as Serbian/ Croatian. Google also suggested changing "potešjoče" to "poteškoče," so I did. I then changed the "j" in "pušjom" to a 'k,' as that was the only word that remained untranslated. It worked, and Google gave the following translation:

"Regardless of the difficulties of my work progresses, new weapon works very well. I am very pleased with thermite rifle, regardless of the initial problems and difficulties with fire during the summer. Despite other research that attracts me, it is better to concentrate on the current work. Values are too large. Any advantage that I can contribute to my comrades, I have to realize it. We are fighting for all..."

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