25 March, 2014

Sol Invicto - Turtle massacre

When I opened my email this morning there was a great treat waiting for me; a new track in Sol Invicto 'Tapes' series called Turtle massacre. The track is dark, and brooding, and you should just listen for yourself reading the accompanying story (after the jump) posted to Soundcloud and Facebook.

"This is the origin of the great battle & the birth of Seastep.
Nightfall, just the sounds of the ocean against the sandy shore, the giant turtle warlords lay silent, thousands of them, lining the beach, their dark grey armored, battle worn shells stretching out for miles. The sea was calm, yet something about that night, felt strange. The lower ranking warriors took it in turn to watch over the camp, proving their worth, paying their dues. They would attack at dawn, taking no prisoners, this was it, their enemy did not stand a chance.
Not long into the watch, one of the guards picked up on a light, far far out to sea, a red, an almost laser-like beam...they needed line of sight on this, now! Another guard was signaled, and they peered through the coral binoculars to get a better idea of what this was.
Staring right back at them, two hundred pairs of eyes, eyes red like fire, the fire of death, riding a ghost tsunami, headed straight for the camp!!
They had all but minutes, to wake the army and act before, the massacre descended upon them.
I'm definitely liking the sound of 'seastep.'

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