24 October, 2014

The Last of Us: Game of the Year Edition announced

Just when you thought you'd seen and hard the last of The Last of Us, a Game of the Year Edition has been announced for release on the PlayStation 3, and I called it! This follows the release of the Remastered Edition for the PlayStation 4, which included the Left Behind DLC, and various multiplayer maps, along with uprated visuals to aid Sony show-off their new hardware. 

TLoU: GotY re-release will include the same content as the Remastered version, but will no doubt maintain the original game's 'less impressive visuals.' There was actually nothing wrong with looks of the original game, which in part is what lead TLoU being hailed as one of the best games of the previous generation.* had anything wrong with the way it looked from what I've seen.

The only thing putting me off from buying this at this point is the price. Signs point to it selling for the same retail price as a recent release, which in South Africa means paying about R700 for an 18 month old game. A quick look shows that the original release is currently selling for less than R400, depending on the retailer. According the the PlatStation Store; the Left Behind DLC will set you back a further R200-odd, the two multiplayer map-packs bundled together for R190, and the 'Grounded' difficulty mode will cost you another R73.

So yes, the GotY edition collects a whole lot of content at a discounted price, but it's content that is mostly over a year old. I'll wait until the price drops a little more, that is of course assuming that we will even see a physical release of this version of the game in South Africa, as I have yet to come across any copies of the Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition at my local gaming suppliers. 

* Currently shares the fourth highest score according to Metacritic, with LittleBigPlanet, Read Dead Redemption, and Portal 2.

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