14 November, 2014

Overwatch: Blizzard's online multiplayer shooter

Following on from Blizzard's StarCraft II announcement, here's a look at their new IP, Overwatch. I get the impression this title has a very similar concept to that of Evolve, but instead of going up against one overpowered monster with a few friends, your team of six mercenaries will be up against another six mercenaries. 

Blizzard are well known for their epic cinematics, and the reveal trailer for Overwatch does not disappoint.

From the gameplay trailer the classes look very similar, and even some of the character design/ abilities seem to overlap heavily between the two titles. For instance Overwatch's Mercy looks quite a bit like Evolve's Val, but with Lazarus' resurrection ability. 

Overwatch's medic, Mercy, sizes up the sniper-medic, Val from Evolve 
One thing that will definitely set the two titles apart (as can be seen above) is the artwork style and animation. While Evolve's has gone for a more realistic representation of its environments and characters, the developers of Overwatch have gone for a more cartoonish-look, and I really like it.

While this is potentially the type of game I'd like to play (and I particularly like the looks of Reaper), I highly doubt my current PC will be able to handle running it. When Evolve was first revealed to be next gen. and PC only, I had seriously considered upgrading my PC. But then the whole idea of buying a console was so that I wouldn't have to get a new graphics card every 6 months as a new game came out.

So while Overwatch, Evolve, and to a lesser extent Battleborn look like great co-operative shooters, the chances of me purchasing any of them are slowly approaching zero. Now if one of these titles were to launch with a worthwhile single player campaign, then things might change.

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