13 November, 2012

Win a Stephen Carpenter ESP guitar, signed by Deftones

Deftones seventh studio album, Koi No Yokan, was released today. To coincide with the release, Deftones are hosting a competition to win a signed Stephen Carpenter ESP guitar. Check the following link for details. Competition runs till 16 November 2012.

I received an email to download my digital copy of the album early this morning. The zip file only contained 10 tracks. Ironically the missing track is named 'What happened to you?' I'm guessing that the file name contains a '?' so the file is incompatible with Windows. This is mildly disappointing, but it's not the first time this has happened. Many Mac users forget, or are entirely unaware, that Windows does not allow certain characters to be used in file names.

On the plus side I can still listen to the track elsewhere, and I can take solace in the fact that I have a CD, shirt and (potentially autographed) poster on the way from the States. In the meantime I'm loving the 10 tracks that I was sent, especially Tempest, Entombed and Gauze.

--Update 14/11/2012--
I emailed Deftones online customer services to let them know that the zip file only contained 10 tracks. They were very helpful and sent me another link to download the complete album. About six hours later I received a second download link from customer services. This time the email had been sent to the entire pre-order mailing list. It contained the following message,

Earlier today you received an email to download KOI NO YOKAN.  Due to a technical issue, your download did not include Track #11, "What Happened to You?".  Please click on the button below to receive the full version of KOI NO YOKAN.
I'm super impressed with the speed that the matter was dealt with and am now able to listen to the entire album, while I wait for my CD to make its way over the Atlantic Ocean.

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