06 May, 2013

Are the Queens of the Stone Age really missing?

I appear missing is the second single taken from Queens of the Stone Age's '...Like clockwork' and the first to be released with a music video. I'm a big fan of the style of animation chosen for the video, as well as the song. I was a little apprehensive after listening to the first single from the album, but after hearing I appear missing I feel more confident that this album is going to be another absolute goodie, perhaps even on a par with Songs for the Deaf.

An interesting observation is that a single quotation mark is used to at the beginning of the sub title, while double quotation marks are used at the end. The single opening apostrophe also appears to be backwards, for it's placement relative to the text. The three punctuation marks together look like a series of '9s.' So far a lot of the imagery used to promote the album has featured various time telling devices displaying 9 o'clock (or 9:99 in the case of the digital wrist watches), or have three '9s' visible somewhere in the picture.

I'm not yet sure of the significance of all the '9' references, other that three inverted nines makes '666,' the supposed "number of the beast."

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