04 June, 2013

77 mm filters now available from Mount July

There are still eight days left to help fund the production of Mount July's range of multi-coloured camera filters. So far just over 80% of the money needed to support the production costs of the project has been raised. While predictions show that Mount July's project should raise enough to get the first run of filters done, it looks like they're unlikely to reach their stretch goal of US$ 44 000.

Despite the possibility of not reaching the stretch goal, Mount July are still planning to manufacture 77 mm filters. This is most likely as a result of the large number of requests received for filters with a wider diameter than those originally offered. So far no one has pledged money towards either of the 77 mm options available; US$ 50+ for a single filter, US$ 90+ for two filters, or US$ 140+ for all three coloured filters. I'm now unsure whether to get a set of 58 mm filters for the lenses I already own, or if I get a set of 77 mm filters for the lens I want to buy?

For some more photos taken using Mount July filters click here.

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