11 February, 2013

Adopt a Penguin for Valentine's Day

Do you want to do something different for your loved one this Valentine's Day? Why not adopt a pair of African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus), and name it after yourselves? 

No, that is not a joke. The South African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds, or SANCOBB, are running a Valentine's promotion that will allow for the adoption of two penguins for the price of one. By adopting a penguin you will help cover the cost of rehabilitating an injured or ill bird, allowing for it to be released back into the wild when it is strong and healthy enough.

In addition to be being able to name the pair of penguins, as part of the adoption package you will also receive a  letter containing the history (where they were found, what type of ailments they were suffering from, their weights, etc.) of the birds you've adopted, photographs of your adopted penguins, and certificates of adoption.

Why adopt a pair of African penguins for Valentine's Day, you ask? For starters, African Penguins mate for life, and as a result penguin symbols are often used to signify love. More importantly, by adopting two penguins you will be contributing towards the conservation of these world-renowned birds, which have seen a rapid decline in number over the last decade, largely due to food shortages. As a result of the decrease in the number of breeding pairs, the conservation status of the species was changed from vulnerable to endangered in 2010.

If you're ready to adopt your pair of African Penguins for only R 500*, then go here, and if you have a few more questions, look here. If you don't want to adopt a penguin, but would still like to help, then you may still make a monetary donation here, or purchase stickers, books, DVDs, plush toys, etc. from SANCOBB's online shop here.

If none of those options tickle your fancy, then maybe you'd prefer to buy a bottle of wine with a penguin on the label for your better half this Valentine's Day.

*ZAR 500 is the equivalent to about US$ 56, or EUR 42.

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