21 February, 2013

Lioness tests out camera

Wedding photographer Ed Hetherington was visiting Zimbabwe to take some wildlife photos. When Hetherington set up his Canon 5D Mk II to capture a lioness returning to her kill, got a little more than he bargained for.

This is what it looks like to be stalked by a lion

Some astonishing photos were taken from the remotely triggered 5D Mk II, While Hetherington also snapped a few more from a safe distance with his other, hand-held rig.

"Smells like a Canon." Photos taken at approximately the same moment from Hetherington's handheld Canon 7D (left) and the remotely triggered Canon 5D Mk II (right). 

What happened next? The lioness gingerly picked up the camera and carried it away from her kill to spot where she could scrutinise it a bit more.

Walking away to find a place to investigate her prize

Hetherington was able to recover his camera after the lioness was done borrowing it. While the camera body didn't appear to have taken too much abuse, Hetherington said that it could no longer read the CF card and required repairs. Testament to how gentle a lioness' grip can be, and the ruggedness of Canon's range of DSLR cameras.

You can see an indentation right where the CF card door meets the body.

Source: All pictures copyright 2012 Ed Hetherington Photography.

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