09 October, 2013

Coffee, axes and trousers

Here's an Idees vol Vrees comic from a month or so ago. It's in Afrikaans, and it's about coffee. I thought it was pretty funny when I first came across it, but now I feel it's more appropriate to share, mostly because of this

Direct translations for those of you who don't understand Afrikaans:
Blue Jacket: Ek drink koffie [I'm drinking coffee]
Grey Jacket: Ek kap 'n chino [I'm chopping a chino]

Admittedly, the direct translation probably still isn't funny, but 'kap 'n chino,' would sound very similar to cappuccino when spoken. If its' still not funny, then there's not much more I can do except apologise for sharing a comic which isn't funny if you don't understand Afrikaans.

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